Account Overview Updated block 398322
Public Key: B62qkswUYxs8Mu4jPFDMigACxY4Kmnz5KoE2TzwUViThD3MsC16DEHj
Username: Unknown
Balance: 0.000000000
Includes 1 MINA account creation fee
Nonce: 1
Receipt Chain Hash: 2n2PF4rYNzuy48BBFQwDzt6p8FHMNhUYaKcpZrkHVT7Vcnm4kKmL
Delegate: Same as public key
Current epoch stake not active (minimum of 1-2 epochs since delegation tx)
Next epoch stake not available
Voting For: 2mzWc7ZF8hRKvLyoLpKLZ3TSm8XSjfxZq67dphJpnjhYmU5Vja5Q
zkApp Account
Action State:
zkApp State:
zkApp Uri:
Verification Key Hash: 6407336285618631334882314984194687935442993062552893265674786230980144857005

Latest Transactions

Date From To Hash Fee Amount
There are no confirmed transactions for this public key

Latest zkApp Transactions

Date Fee Payer Other Accounts Hash Fee
19 hours ago
Nonce: 19
-1.000000000 5JtYi3BtUS9wTaY...qsb5sm


Date Block Hash Fees Earned
This public key has not completed any SNARK work

Block Production

Date Block Hash Coinbase
This public key has not produced any blocks