Account Overview Updated block 397654
Public Key: B62qjXpYhhPdXXG1tJo7oVXTXAuhnvkbeoQVZvo9A6gHMYYndarUEgm
Username: Unknown
Balance: 0.000000000
Includes 1 MINA account creation fee
Nonce: 1
Receipt Chain Hash: 2n1eLBtSw6KMLYWQSN7nsnzfb6QdsQ942VmXbNuRNYZEVK71bTbQ
Delegate: Same as public key
Current epoch stake not active (minimum of 1-2 epochs since delegation tx)
Next epoch stake not available
Voting For: 2mzWc7ZF8hRKvLyoLpKLZ3TSm8XSjfxZq67dphJpnjhYmU5Vja5Q
zkApp Account
Action State:
zkApp State:
zkApp Uri:
Verification Key Hash: 1500024202304046007556052893688358934860352611299893097254658915566959543265

Latest Transactions

Date From To Hash Fee Amount
There are no confirmed transactions for this public key

Latest zkApp Transactions

Date Fee Payer Other Accounts Hash Fee
1 day ago
Nonce: 1
-1.000000000 5JvH43Wk3PWecks...jBZaCS


Date Block Hash Fees Earned
This public key has not completed any SNARK work

Block Production

Date Block Hash Coinbase
This public key has not produced any blocks